First day of school:
You can help prepare your child for his/her first day at the school by engaging in discussion with your child about his/her
new classroom, new teachers, new friends and all of the fun things that your child will do at Riverside Montessori Learning Centre. Please arrive between 8:00-8:30am on the first day. After your child is greeted by the teacher and welcomed into the classroom, please give your child a good-bye kiss and hug, then depart. It is our experience that children transition easier when the good-bye is kept brief. Please feel free to call the Director throughout the day to see how your child is doing.
All children must arrive at RMLC by 8:45am. It is important for your child to arrive on time to ensure your child’s participation in all classroom activities. On time arrivals allow teachers the opportunity to greet each child and welcome them to the classroom. We begin our day with circle time and a group lesson. Children who miss these lessons are deprived of this time and routine. In addition, when children enter the classroom after 8:45am, it is disruptive to students and teachers who are engaged in lessons.
It is important for your child to attend regularly in order to fulfill your child’s need for consistency and order. This also enables your to participate fully in class lessons and other learning experiences. Parents must contact the school when a child is absent.